Tag: Pro-life
Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on “irresponsible” assisted suicide bill
Pro-life groups are rallying against a fast-tracked bill in the UK Parliament that would legalise doctor-assisted suicide.
Coroner’s Court misses the mark
In a great display of irony, a recent decision by the Victorian Coroner proposed that the best way to prevent suicide is promoting euthanasia, writes Monica Doumit.
Trump pardons 23 pro-life activists convicted of FACE Act violations
On the eve of the national March for Life rally in Washington, President Donald Trump announced 23 January he was issuing pardons for 23 protesters arrested for violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinics (FACE) Act.
Pro-life summit a “resounding” success
The decades’ long campaign to make abortion unthinkable is gaining momentum after the inaugural National Life Summit held in Sydney on 30 November.
The next move for pro-aborts
There are two reasons why we shouldn’t ignore the federal Greens’ recent promise to provide $100m of funding for abortion in public hospitals, writes Monica Doumit.
The fatal flaws in Queensland’s euthanasia scheme
The Queensland coroner has just found that a Queensland nightclub requires more ID checks for entry than the state's euthanasia laws require for access to lethal drugs. The fatal flaws in the system have resulted in at least one wrongful death, writes Monica Doumit.
Simcha Fisher: American pro-lifers are finally free
Now that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are willing to fake an interest in being pro-life, American pro-lifers are politically homeless. We’re finally free—free to invest our energies elsewhere, writes Simcha Fisher.
Sydney’s walk for life
Now in its second year, hope will be a running theme at Sydney’s Walk for Life on 21 September seeking to defend the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves.
‘Born alive’ bills show the ghoulish logic of anti-life ideologues
Queensland law currently requires a lesser standard of care to be provided to babies “born alive” after abortion than to baby animals of the same gestational age. Yet anti-life ideologues can’t bear to look at what their positions really entail, or the whole abortion industry would fall apart in a mess of contradictions, writes Monica Doumit
Adelaide academic Joanna Howe wins victory for pro-life advocacy
Law professor Joanna Howe hopes her “incredibly gruelling fight” to continue her research on abortion will be a blow to cancel culture and a win for free speech, after she won a Fair Work Commission case against the University of Adelaide.
Surrogacy is no solution for women in poverty
Australians are the highest per capita users of overseas surrogates. We can do better for poor women overseas than suggesting they lift themselves out of poverty by being surrogates for wealthy, Australian couples, writes Monica Doumit.
Vexillology, horsefeathers, and “pro-choice” dishonesty
The targeting of US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito over his flying of the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is just the latest dishonest episode in the history of abortion.