Sydney’s baptism boom has us beaming with pride
At the Paschal Eucharist Mass on 21 April, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP welcomed a record number new Catholics as “fully fledged brothers and sisters in Christ” into the “one spiritual family.” The archbishop called the new Catholics “international superstars,” relaying news that this year’s “bumper crop” of 250 new catechumens and candidates had made international headlines
Meet Sydney’s newest Catholics joining the church this Easter
Priska Surantono’s 5-year journey to Catholicism began in the most unlikely of places—Mecca. In July 2019 she made the Islamic pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, known as Umrah, where adherents come before the Kaaba, a shrine considered the holiest site in Islam, for prayer and worship.
New Sydney Catholics flock to Cathedral with RCIA numbers tripling in...
On 18 February, 25-year-old Ezekiel Ling will be one of nearly 300 new Catholics welcomed to the faith at St Mary’s Cathedral for the Rite of Election Liturgy
Philippa Martyr: Convert or cradle, we aren’t so different
About 20 years ago when I was living in the UK, I remember browsing a hardcover annual Catholic directory published by the Catholic bishops’...
On God’s beat: police officer among 200 new Catholics welcomed into...
Police officer Nathan Kohutek says becoming Catholic has made him a better husband and father, and has given him a new perspective on his job
The Answer to Ayla’s prayer
When Ayla Casey asked for a sign to let her know God is real, she didn’t expect it to be an actual sign.
Early in...
Bishop-Elect Meagher: Parents central to faith formation
Sydney’s newly appointed Auxiliary Bishop, Danny Meagher has told an online gathering of sacramental coordinators, that they are called to be the presence of...
Henry engineers a future with Jesus as the keystone
The Tsoi family number among dozens of new Catholics entering the Church at Kingsgrove parish.
Inspired by Jesus, many step forward
Many people across city seek to join the Church at Easter
More than 600 people packed St Mary’s Cathedral last weekend to witness a major...
Cathedral welcomes new Catholics
Newcomers to the Church inspire laity and clergy alike with their commitment despite obstacles.
Engaging seekers and reaching the unchurched in a time of COVID-19
What if the parish didn’t disband the online streaming service as soon as doors opened but continued to invest in it?
The Faith Formation Lacuna: Missionary Disciples and the RCIA
Feedback from Plenary 2020 consultations across the nation reveals a widespread call from the faithful for ‘adult faith formation’.