Tag: Real Presence
New study says 69 per cent of Massgoers believe in Real...
A new study suggests that Catholic belief in the Real Presence may be higher than previous data indicated — but measuring that belief accurately remains a tricky task for researchers.
Eucharistic congresses ‘like Catholic family reunion’
Despite threats of blizzard-like conditions,1,700 Catholics braved the cold to attend the Evansville DIocese's first Eucharistic congress.
Q and A with Fr John Flader: A miracle in Honduras
Dear father, I heard recently that there has been a Eucharistic miracle in Honduras. Can you tell me something about it?
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP: Body and Blood
Therapists and life-coaches describe it as the antidote to our fast-paced and distracted lives, and a remedy for many physical and psychological ailments.
Melto D’Moronoyo: The presence of God is the goal of every...
The presence of God should be the goal of every Christian. We yearn to be able to stand in the presence of God, enjoying the beatific vision for all eternity; to be suffused and—in some manner we cannot understand—united with his goodness, truth, and beauty.
Philippa Martyr: Want to know Jesus more? Eat Him
It was a delight to wake up on Corpus Christi morning and read about the US bishops’ new National Eucharistic Revival. My joy was...
Feast unites the faithful
Melkites, Maronites and Roman Catholics process Blessed Sacrament in proud witness to their faith
In an epic display of love of Christ present in the...
George Weigel: A crisis is also an opportunity
Thinking out loud about a return to “Sunday normal,” a veteran parish priest recently told me that he thought it would take one year...
Anna Krohn: The age of unbelief
Way back in what we imagine were the catechetically intact 1950s, the brilliant and irrepressible Catholic writer and Southerner, (Mary) Flannery O’Connor, was listening...