Tag: Sacraments
Best gift a child can receive is faith, pope says at...
When children are baptised, their parents and the church are giving them the greatest gift ever: the gift of faith, Pope Francis said before baptising 21 infants in the Sistine Chapel.
Massgoing and the parable of the sower
It helps nobody to judge and condemn Catholics who have stopped going to Mass. Instead we should pray for them, and call to mind Jesus’ parable of the sower, writes Philippa Martyr.
Catholic marriage stats tell a sobering (but exciting) story
In 2000, around 8,900 Catholics were married by a priest, in a church. By 2021, it was down to around 3,300. These and other stats tell a story that might horrify you, but Philippa Martyr sees things differently...
Reflections on the order of sacraments of initiation
While the debate about the best order of the reception of the sacraments of initiation may continue, we are invited to first and foremost consider our readiness for the graces they confer at any age, so that we might bear lasting fruit.
Restored order of sacraments and family catechesis: a combination that works
My nine-year-old was recently confirmed, the first in our family who has received both the “restored order of sacraments” and whole-family faith formation. As a way of emphasising that faith is a matter for our whole lives, it has serious strengths, writes Simcha Fisher.
Simcha Fisher: The Incarnation of Christ remains as scandalous as ever
When non-Catholics are scandalised by our God, church and sacraments, it’s a sign our faith still has spiritual power, Simcha Fisher writes
New document on the validity of sacraments
I understand that the Holy See has issued a new document in Italian on the validity of the sacraments. Is there anything new in it that we priests should be aware of in our pastoral ministry?
Why young women want a more ‘conservative’ faith
By Catherine phillips and Anna Harrison
Young women today are being told that anything goes, there is no objective truth, do whatever makes you “happy.”...
Fr Benjamin Saliba: I listened to our youth at WYD. We...
I have just returned from world youth day as a bus chaplain for Sydney Catholic Schools. I have had the privilege of meeting an...
Equal access to the sacraments starts with confession, not ordination
Without question, my favourite thing about my job is getting to work alongside the priests of the Archdiocese of Sydney and other dioceses. They...
Philippa Martyr: Do Catholic youth really want to change the church?
I’m continuing to explore a group of around 700 young Australian Catholics who go to Mass. They are divided into two groups – the weekly massgoers, or “weeklies”, and the less regular massgoers, or “irregulars.”
Simcha Fisher: Charismatic Catholic youth need your support, not your scorn
The last of the annual Steubenville youth conferences is winding down. These are huge, popular, teen-oriented Catholic gatherings at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, here in the US.