Tag: Sacraments
Philippa Martyr: Cleaning the Church starts with you
Clerical sin doesn’t get the rest of us off the hook.
The Church: Dwelling Place of the Holy Spirit
Not only does the Spirit make the Church one, it also leads the Church to be faithful, in ever deeper adherence to Christ.
Churches in Europe open with restrictions
Different plans for each country, but some common rules apply as people return to Mass.
Rediscovering home in a time of pandemic
The second epidemic is destructive in other ways, even more infectious than the first disease, spreading irrational fear, blind panic and brute selfishness.
Byron and Francine Pirola: When non-believers wed
The human heart yearns to be loved, known and accepted, and to give to our beloved the same love, understanding and acceptance. This longing...
Spotlight on relationship between faith and Catholic marriage
New Vatican document tackles ‘baptised nonbelievers’
Local Catholic leaders have welcomed a new document authorised by Pope Francis which highlights the need for greater formation...
Simcha Fisher: A fake baptism and the real presence
Effects of an invalid Baptism
The other week, Catholic Twitter was in a tizzy over the story of an unfortunate priest who discovered, fifteen years...
California bishop: ‘No priest may obey this law’
Bishop will accept arrest before breaking seal
Bishop Michael Barber SJ of the Diocese of Oakland, California, has said he would sooner accept arrest and...
Simcha Fisher: Do we ask priests for things only they can...
When I interview priests for my diocesan magazine, I always ask them what's the hardest part of their job. One priest said something I'd...