Tag: Sanctity of Life
Sisters dare youth to trust more in God
Their joy is more than just a smile! Sr Mary Grace SV shared her hopes for the Sydney tour of the Sisters of Life this week, encouraging young Catholics to trust God.
I’m happy for the ‘sanctity of life’ principle. But I long...
Is it not schizophrenic to impose the “sanctity of life” in the case of a young woman who doesn’t want to die but who will accept death as a result of her decision, but to not do the same for another young cancer sufferer who wants to opt for lethal drugs?
Go away and die: message received by Stephanie Packer
When Californian mother of four Stephanie Packer was admitted to an intensive care unit in June, and put on a ventilator, her children were...
Kevin Connolly: I stand for life, no matter the cost
I knew from the start that politics is a numbers game and the numbers were unlikely to align with me. Nevertheless I came to the realisation that standing up for life was so fundamentally important to a decent, civilised society that it would be worth doing even if victory was not achieved.
Free cards send pro-life message
Business-sized cards with pro-life designs are appearing all over Melbourne city.