Tag: trial
Let’s pray for Cardinal Zen
By Our Sunday Visitor Editorial Board
If you wonder about China’s attitude to the Church, putting a 91-year-old on trial makes it pretty clear
“Martyrdom is...
Monica Doumit: The true price paid by the innocent
Those highlighting the cost of Cardinal Pell’s defence are not giving the public the context or the whole truth about what he was up...
George Weigel: The man for the moment
Fifteen months ago, it looked as if Cardinal George Pell might spend his 80th birthday in prison.
A malicious trolling expedition by the police department...
Monica Doumit: Open courts point to the truth
As a general rule, Australian courts are committed to the principle of the public administration of justice. This is characterised by proceedings being conducted...
Day two of Cardinal Pell’s appeal underway
Day two of Cardinal George Pell’s appeal proceedings in Victoria’s Court of Appeal commenced after his legal team spent the previous day attempting to...