Joy and transformation filled Chapter Hall at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 27 July as the alumni of a five-day immersion course exploring the teachings of Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, gathered for a reunion.
Over a celebratory mass and a meal, the attendees reflected on how the Love and Responsibility Immersion Course held in January, hosted by the Theology of the Body Institute in partnership with the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation, had profoundly reshaped their understanding of love, intimacy, and the divine purpose of the human body.
Around the hall, couples and individuals shared stories of how these teachings as delivered by Dr Christopher West had sparked life-changing conversations in their relationships and laid a foundation for their understanding of sexuality as a sacred gift.
Reg and Cynthia Argana from Hoxton Park said it had given fresh insight into their relationship.
“It allowed me entrance into Reg’s innermost thoughts and feelings as well, and how he’s being touched by St John Paul II and also by the Lord,” said Cynthia.
“Marriage is under attack by the current culture. These teachings can change your [married] life together,” said Reg.
Declan and Joan Sally believe their marriage has been enriched and their love for St John Paul II deepened.
“In a time when we are losing the sense of our own identity in our bodies, this was a path to follow,” Joan said.
“It just gives you an opportunity to deep dive into your own spirituality and get a better understanding of your own body in the context of the world today,” her husband Declan added.
Emily Jane from Bathurst said it helped her become, “the woman I think God wanted me to be. Because I’m understanding who I am now, in his eyes. It’s been life changing.”
The Theology of the Body is being offered again by the Life Marriage and Family team in a course called, Writings of St John Paul II on Gender, Marriage and Family next year from 19-24 January at Benedict XVI Retreat Centre.
“Here at the Archdiocese of Sydney, we are intent on not only fostering a love for TOB through raising awareness through our events, but we desire to nurture leaders who can bring this paramount teaching of the human person to renew our parishes,” said Simon Yeak from TOB organisers Life Marriage Family from the SCE.
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