Eunice Woo shares what drew her to teach Scripture to children in state schools
Jesus said to the apostles:” The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.” Matthew 9:37
I grew up as a Protestant Christian while attending a Methodist girls’ school for ten years. I was fortunately blessed to listen about Jesus and the scriptures in the school chapel every week. Eventually I became a believer and a Catholic. My family is not Catholic unlike other cradle Catholics.
On 25 Oct 2015, my Protestant husband and I received the sacrament of confirmation from His Grace Archbishop Anthony Fisher. We owe our conversion to Rev, Fr. Anthony Bernard, the parish priest of St Joseph Camperdown.
I am truly blessed to have Jesus in my life. He is definitely the greatest gift ever. Many more do not know him. Jesus words in Matthew 9:37 has been in my heart ever since I was a child. We can share so that more people will come to know him. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
I watched the video inviting us to be a catechist in our parish in St Kevin Eastwood and the Holy Spirit stirred within me. I told Elaine Wicks, the speaker that day, that I wanted to join but did not know how as I did not have any experience. Thankfully, full training and support was provided and I started out as a catechist helper.
Since joining as a catechist in 2018, I had taught almost 50 students. I continue to see some of the students and their parents in church and at the shops. It is a joy to teach them the Sacraments, how to read the Bible, about the real presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, the transubstantiation amongst many other things. I have seen a transformation in students who were initially not interested and have since increased in their faith and understanding when we reach out to them and make Jesus come alive.
The students are listening, we just need to reach out to them today and share the goodness of our Lord to them in their formative years.
Lord, enable me to teach with your godly WISDOM so I may help to shape curious minds. Equip me with the right tools to share the TRUTH, while forming stronger moral consciences. Encourage me to teach with your divine VISION, as I give aid to create better futures. Empower me to teach with LOVE, so I may make a difference in this world.
Might God be calling you to be a catechist in Sydney schools? For more information on what it involves email [email protected]