What is the party’s position on the retention of abortion as a crime under the Crimes Act 1900?
On the issue of Abortion and Euthanasia, the party has always believed in a conscience vote on these matters by individual party members.
Human life begins at conception and must be protected from this point onwards.
On this basis we support abortion remaining a crime under the Crimes Act 1900. We will also support increased funding for pro-life alternatives for pregnant women including emergency housing, counselling, childcare services and the merits of adoption for women who are unable to care for their child after delivery.
The Christian Democratic Party believe in the sanctity of life: God giveth life and God taketh life away.
The Christian Democratic Party believes God is the author of life and that human life originates at conception and should be protected, respected and valued at all ages.
We support promotion of adoption as a positive alternative to abortion.
We support increased funding and support such as pregnancy crisis counselling sessions that offer practical help and positive pro-life alternatives for pregnant women.
We believe in the importance of quality palliative care as an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.
We believe it is important to note that respect for human life from conception to its natural ending is not limited to Christian belief but is documented in ancient Greece, where an oath (known as the Hippocratic Oath) was taken to the Greek gods containing the phrase, “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”
This is a conscience vote in our party, but as Party leader, I am opposed to any change to abortion laws in NSW. It is unnecessarily divisive Greens virtue signalling.
This is a conscience vote for the ALP.
Abortion should be free and legal. Women, not institutions run largely by men, must have autonomy over their bodies and have control of their reproductive rights.
The AJP does not have a policy position on abortion. Candidates are free to exercise their own conscience on this matter.
The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government does not currently intend to amend section 82 and 83 of the Crimes Act 1900.
The NSW Liberals have long believed matters such as this are issues of conscience and must be determined by individual Members of Parliament.
Should a private member’s bill be introduced to the NSW Parliament to repeal these offences, Liberal Members would exercise a conscience vote.
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