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Tag: miracles

Who is Blessed Anna Maria Taigi?

In a previous article you spoke about Blessed Anna Maria Taigi and her prophecies. Can you tell me more about her?

Little Lovre’s birth was a miracle for Robert and Monica Mikulic

First-time parents Robert and Monica Mikulic say God worked them a miracle after their son Lovre, almost died at birth.

Spanish teen says she has regained sight after praying to Our...

The healing appeared to happen a few hours after Pope Francis was praying in the famous Marian shrine on 5 August.

St Joseph has never failed to be present to us in...

Carmelite nuns recount 'many miracles' through their patron saint's intercession St Joseph is no stranger to Carmel! He is the protector of our order. As our...

God’s plan for my life

Our Lady of Lourdes new Family Educator reflects on his faith, family, the road to God and answering His call with a passion to...

Fr John Flader: Saint Lydwine of Schiedam

St Lydwine was a Dutch saint who was very sick, more sick than can be imagined

A marriage made in heaven

After an amazing grace the Elardes live with feet firmly on the ground Ask Sydney couple Paul and Juliana Elarde how they first met and...

Mike Willesee, “father of modern-day journalism”, farewelled

The man once considered almost synonymous with journalism in Australia, who dedicated himself later in life to demonstrating God’s presence in the world, was...
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