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Tag: Synodality

How to be ignored during the synodal process

The new Synod working document is more sensible than previous stages, and common sense is beginning to prevail. Of course, this has upset some people, which reminded Philippa Martyr of her own synodal experience…

Synod working document offers inspiration, points to journey ahead, say experts

The Vatican's recently released working document for the Synod on Synodality's second global session scheduled for October 2024, provides a reflection on "how to be a missionary synodal church," developing the synod's themes of communion, participation, and mission.

Ecclesial movements that are “closed” must be stopped

Pope Francis had his annual meeting with ecclesial movements at the Vatican to discuss the importance of synodality in the church's mission.

Youth want faith formation, Aussie delegate to tell Pope Francis

Elizabeth Fernandez will represent Australian youth in an online forum with the pontiff on 20 June, but she is also hoping for a blessing from the Holy Father for her mum, recently diagnosed with cancer.

Synodality: A surprisingly strong response to a world in crisis

Have you ever thought of what a strong response to a world in crisis would look like, especially from the Catholic Church? What the pope suggests, may just be the way forward.

Holiness is the measure of synod proposals, Archbishop Fisher writes in...

In a major pastoral letter following the first assembly of the Synod on Synodality, Archbishop Fisher wrote that more work is needed to ensure key themes were authentically Catholic.

A window into the mysterious world of those who lead our...

This is a book for bishops. I am one bishop who is grateful to have read it. It was a very beneficial source for personal reflection and offered much to ponder both from history and from current experience.

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP: What Synodality is, and is not

Although we might think it a novel concept in the pontificate of Pope Francis, the noun σύνοδος (synod) has a long history in Catholic thought and practice,[1] especially in Eastern Christianity.

Synod report muted on hot-button issues, yet signals deeper shifts

While hot-button issues like gender and sexuality received less attention than predicted, the synod's final report signaled deeper shifts

Xavier Rynne II: Letters from the Synod 2023, #8

The Church as a culture must be a counterculture.

Synod members begin small-group discussions on ‘synodality’

Delegates from Oceania and around the world have begun the formal work for the long-awaited Bishops Synod on Synodality in Rome

WYD Tupperware Tabernacles call for a Eucharistic revival

By Joel Agius When St John Paul II established World Youth Day, he said to the young people gathered that “in Jesus Christ, God definitively...
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