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Tag: NSW Politics

The humour and hypocrisy of the Greens over cemeteries

If you believe Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann’s complaints at the long-overdue resolution of NSW’s cemetery wars, the Catholic Church is pulling the strings on Macquarie Street. If only—it would make Monica Doumit’s job much easier.

Overwhelming majority of NSW rejects “equality” bill

Despite overwhelming public opposition to it, debate on Alex Greenwich’s so-called equality bill could begin any day now, so it is important your local MP hears your opposition to this dangerous bill, writes Monica Doumit.

Premier, PM call for unity after declaring Mar Emmanuel stabbing a...

NSW Premier Chris Minns has confirmed the stabbing of an Assyrian Orthodox clergyman in Wakeley last night was a “terrorist act,” after convening a council of religious and community leaders overnight to call for calm.

Conversion therapy ban passes NSW parliament after marathon overnight debate

The New South Wales government has been accused of ramming its conversion practices ban through parliament during a marathon overnight debate.

New religious vilification protections a step forward for faith in NSW

The amendment to NSW Anti-Discrimination Law makes it an offence to “incite hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule” against religion

Monica Doumit: Whether Chris Minns received your vote, he needs your...

Labor has been open about its plans for faith communities in the lead up to the election, but there was one nice surprise on Saturday night

Archbishop Fisher commends cashless gaming proposal

The Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher OP, said the Church and its agencies see the human cost of gambling every day

Monica Doumit to represent Catholic Church on NSW Religions Council

Ms Doumit will represent the Catholic Church as one of 15 members of the Perrottet Government's new Religious Communities Advisory Council.

Protect faith based providers from “Kill Bill”: Archbishop Fisher

NSW will soon become the final Australian State to adopt 'voluntary assisted dying' after a 20-17 vote in the Upper House

Margaret Somerville: Euthanasia harms the common good

Why, after millennia of regarding euthanasia as a serious crime, do many people now consider it an ethical “medical treatment”? In part, it comes...

NSW ‘voluntary assisted dying’ bill vote in May

With only eight MLCs left to speak on the bill, the issue will likely come to a head on May 11 when NSW Parliament returns

Monica Doumit: Faith’s an asset, not a liability

There has been a lot of commentary in recent weeks about the Catholicism of our new Premier, Dominic Perrottet. There has been some predictably ignorant...
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